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Convert Guitar Pro 6 format to MIDI-sequention sound .

We have found 3 software records in our database eligible for .gpx to .midi file format conversion.

Guitar Pro possess the capability of exporting its own GPX projects as instrumental audio and save them in MIDI format which can be further converted to other audio format. It is unlikely that any other program is capable of direct gpx to midi conversion.

Microsoft Windows software - convert gpx to midi on Windows

Guitar Pro

A professional multi-track editor and music composer. Musicians uses Guitar Pro to create guitar and bass tablature. Also is used to write musical scores. It is available in versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS.

The tables with software actions are a good pointer for what a certain program does with various file types and often may give users a good hint how to perform certain file conversion, for example the above-mentioned gpx to midi. However, it is not perfect and sometimes can show results which are not really usable because of how certain programs work with files and the possible conversion is thus actually not possible at all.

MuseScore is a free cross-platform WYSIWYG music notation program that offers a cost-effective alternative to commercial programs such as Sibelius and Finale.

Apple macOS / Mac OS X software - convert gpx to midi on OS X

Guitar Pro for Mac

Guitar Pro is audio editor used to to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings.

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Convert .GPX to .MIDI

Guitar Pro 6 Document File Format (.GPX)

The Guitar Pro 6 GPX file is strictly a file containing musical notation. Contrary to older Guitar Pro formats, such as GP3, GP4 and GP5, data stored in GPX files is encoded using a proprietary made dynamic dictionary compression scheme.

The data itself, once uncompressed, represents a "little hard-disk" (an independent file system) consisting of various XML files that contain the actual data used for rendering the file inside the Guitar Pro editor, such as information about the various bars, tracks, voices, beats and notes that form the actual file.

On its own a GPX file contains no real audio data, but only metadata used for generating audio with the Guitar Pro editor.

A major downside of GPX files is that they cannot be natively exported to one of the older Guitar Pro formats, making it impossible to open Guitar Pro 6 documents, without buying the latest copy of Guitar Pro.

GPX files can still be exported to MIDI and thus imported to an older version of the editor, however that usually renders inaccurate tablatures, making it a less-than-ideal solution.

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (Midi) Sound File (.MIDI)

These files contain music data, such as which notes are played, the key in which they're played and their length/volume. The format also supports MIDI controller information for instrument selection and effects.

As these files only contain play-back information, they do not contain any actual audio data.